Creating Memories

VERKEHRSBUERO – Austria’s leading tourism group



VERKEHRSBUERO is Austria’s leading tourism group with the operational divisions VERKEHRSBUERO TRAVEL and VERKEHRSBUERO HOSPITALITY as well as the HOLDING division, which is an internal partner for management and services led by a team of experts. Our valued employees ensure that travel at home and abroad is a special experience. It is no coincidence that the Group Headquarters in Vienna is called the “Home of Travel”: this is where the diverse range of products and services offered by the various brands are reflected and put together.

Learn more about us here.


More than just the market leader in the hotel business and tourism sector.


About us

We see the ability to deal with constant change as the key element for the sustained further development of our Group.

Martin Winkler, MBA, Chairman of VERKEHRSBUERO Executive Board

Current press releases (in German only)

Die HOFER REISEN Jahreshits 2025 im Überblick

Von Trenddestinationen wie der deutschen Ostsee über das nahe Kroatien mit seinen unzähligen Badebuchten und kristallklarem Wasser bis hin zum italienischen „Dolce Vita“ auf Sardinien: Bei HOFER REISEN finden alle, die sich nach Erholung und neuen Eindrücken sehnen, auch 2025 die besten Reiseangebote für genussvolle Auszeiten zum HOFER Preis. Eines steht fest: Es wird wieder […]


Active responsibility

Social responsibility and sustainability are of absolute priority to us. Our ecological footprint should be as small as possible. Several of our hotels have been awarded the Austrian Eco-Label for companies in tourism. The selection of an environmentally friendly site for our new corporate headquarters in Vienna has also created a significant contribution to our eco-balance.

Our Number One: our employees

VERKEHRSBUERO is one of the most attractive employers in the Austrian tourist industry as it offers not only a secure working environment for the future, but also innovative training and further education programmes. Our employees benefit from the more than 200 specialised seminars and workshops in the VERKEHRSBUERO Training World. We have been certified as a Leitbetrieb Austria since 2024, recognizing us as a model company within the Austrian economy.

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